How to Choose the IT Certification That’s Right for You

IT certifications have long been an important method for employers to use when evaluating the skills of the job candidates that come through their doors. Since this IT certification is so important in today’s workplace, it is important for students and employers alike to use care when choosing the right training.

How to Choose the IT Certification That’s Right for You? This is the biggest and most important question you should answer before you spend a time on books or classes.

A positive answer to this question works wonders. If you have a plan for your career, you’ll know how this certification can fit into your plans. If you don’t know what you’re going to do with it when you get it, or worse, don’t have a plan for your future, you may be wasting your time. Ask yourself the hard questions now – you won’t regret it. This is a common problem encounter with most certification candidates. They have no idea of what the certification involves but they love it because it is hot. Should you be picking a certification that does not match what you want to do or be? Do you know what you want to do or be? Don't just go for an MCSE and assume you'll make it. Going for certification for the wrong reasons is both wasteful and unreasonable.

Are you new in IT? Your first step towards a successful career should be researching the different options available. Learn about these options. Yes, you may love computers, but what aspect? What is your background? Skill base? Personality?, All of these factors can tell you not only really cut out for IT, but what type of IT field might be best for you.

For those already in IT, are you choosing a certification because your job requires this specific certification or is it a crucial step in the direction of your long-term career goals? Otherwise, it may not be worth your time and resources.

I believe if we take a look at some basic principles of human nature, then we can make the choices a bit simpler. Know yourself … your personality, your temperament, your strengths and your weaknesses. Then, once you’ve loaded your quiver with those arrows, you can begin to shoot for a target.Whether you're new to IT or already in IT, certification should not be seen just as a meal ticket. It should be part of an individual's career development strategy. Depending on what stage you're at and your career interests, your need for certification and type of certification vary from individual to individual. Rather than focusing on popular certifications it is more profitable to attain certifications that enhance your value in line with your career ambitions. The key to IT career success is not in following the crowd but in taking charge of your career based on knowledge and your interests.

If your interest is database administration you will need to be trained and certified on a database technology, such as Oracle8i or 9i or Microsoft SQL Server. For Network Operating Systems, Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) or Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) should be considered. A+ is useful for IT newcomers and those who want to build a career in Tech Support. If your focus is in Network convergence and Network management, you should take a look at Cisco certifications.

To find the greatest success, remember … know your own characteristics. This will help you tremendously in choosing the right path for you. Decisions must be made. Your choices impact how you go about achieving those certifications, becoming proficient as an IT professional and, ultimately, the path you’ll follow.

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