Reporting a Problem to SAP

When I tried to report a problem to SAP using  url it provided 4 steps to follow:

1) Choose system
2) Prepare Solution Search
3) Find Solution
4) Enter Message

I could do the step 1 but dont know what to do at steps 2, 3 and 4.

SAP changed the customer message screens so you now have to navigate through a search of the SAP Notes before being able to create a message.

We usually search the Notes extensively before we create a message, so we just enter a blank search and then go on to create the message.

Follow the steps, It may solve your problem:

1. Copy following url into web browser :

    It will ask you for your OSS ID and password .
   A Screen which contain a push Button Select System displayed .  

2. Push the Button Select System .
   It will open a sub screen in which there will be a hierarchical structue which looks like

   - <Your SAP Customer Number >
        -<SAP Installation number for a specific product1 >
            <radio Button><System SID1 for which you have registered a license>
            <radio Button><System SID2 for which you have registered a license>

        +<SAP Installation number for a specific product2 >
        +<SAP Installation number for a specific product3 >

Here  + indicate that you have a sub tree .
        Specific product  like SAP R/3 T for Services , SCM , CRM , ERP   etc

3. Select the system for which you need to log a message
   It will take you to message screen  screen.

4. Select you domain for problem for example Basis problem with Database where dataBASE IS  oracle then Message type will be BC-DB-ORA
* .
5 Select priority of Message

6 . Write Message and send it to SAP


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