Top Certification Mistakes to Avoid

Avoiding certification mistakes is about being wise in your decision-making. Let us attempt to look at the most common certification mistakes with a view to getting certification candidates to avoid them.

1.Choosing a certification because it's easy to get
The extent of the requirements should be a consideration when choosing a certification, the most important aspect is how the certification will serve your career goals.
2. Choosing a certification because it's "HOT"
Most certification candidates have no idea of what the certification involves but they love it because it is hot. Many people want to pursue a certification based on its perceived popularityat the moment.This is a bad strategy. Whether you're new to IT or already in IT, Your first step towards a successful career should be researching and learning the different options available. Going for certification for the wrong reasons is both wasteful and unreasonable.
3. Assuming certification will fast-track your career
Certifications are one indication of your worthiness as an employee, but there are many others. They include experience, communication skills, ability to be a team player, etc. Having a Certification is no guarantee of success.
4. Not getting enough experience first
There is no substitute for experience. Start at a low level if you're just getting into IT, such as working at a smaller positions.Then your certification will have more weight, and your chances of getting that next job go up substantially.
5. Underestimating the real cost of certification
I know quite a few people who register for courses but who keep on dropping out due to one commitment or the other. You've paid for the training and you've bought the books, but how committed are you? Candidates who are successful in certification All possess the drive and motivation to succeed and advance their careers. Success with certification costs more than just training, certification tools and materials; without effort you're going nowhere.
6. Not thoroughly researching training companies
There are hundreds of places to get certification training. Do your homework before doing your homework, and you're much more likely to find the kind of training that fits your learning style and goals. Search out certification forums and ask students what they liked. Talk to an instructor or two ahead of time. Ask for a list of graduates and talk to them.Picking a training company is an important decision; don't take it lightly, and your chances of having a great training experience, leading to successful certification, increase greatly.
7. Failing to prepare
Poor preparation is a major killer of certification aspirations. It is not enough to choose a training center. you have to be truthful to yourself; do you have the work experience needed for that certification? Too often candidates don't prepare well due to overconfidence, ignorance of preparation options and poor personal organization.
8. Using one study method only
Books can be helpful certification prep tools. So can simulation labs. So can classroom-based training, and online training.Don't confine your preparation methods to just one of these types. The book learning you get can help a lot once you get in a lab. Instructor-led training combined with video tutorials reinforces the concepts you're learning.Variety is not only the spice of life, but it can kick your certification prep to the next level.
9. Failing to set deadlines for yourself
Each requirement should have a deadline date. If the requirement is that you pass a test, go ahead and schedule the test. As each deadline approaches Deadlines also help you escape the
big P: procrastination. If you're a person who doesn't get things done until the last minute, deadlines will generate time pressure to keep you on track.
10. Going for Testing before you're ready
Take your time. You want to be thoroughly prepared for your exams before testing. If you feel you need an extra week or month -- or more -- be patient and delay your exam. If you don't
have the concepts and hands-on knowledge down cold, it will hurt you on the test and in a live setting when the bullets are flying. Patience is a certification virtue.
11. Going to sleep after getting certified
Many certification candidates believe that once they are certified they no longer have to work to increase their skills . To stay ahead, you have to keep on learning. If you don't continuously develop your self the value of your certification falls.

Mistakes are not the end of the world.Plan, Perform, And Follow Through. I’m interested in comments you might have.

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