It is a life

1. People are consistent. If the person cheats on others, they will cheat on you. If somebody gossips to you, they will gossip about you. If you have a good friend, no matter what happens they are likely to stay with you.
2. Work to live, not the other way around. If all you do is work, you are either a great artist who's driven by passion, or a stupid person who robs himself or herself of many pleasures of life. Life can be more fun then just work and money. It is new stuff that matters: emotions, relationships, experiences. Even money is only as good, as the number of emotions it can buy.
3. Don't try to motivate everyone. A crazy motive, right? There are people who are lazy. There are people who are different. Do not waste yourself on them. There are others you can help. If you want everyone to like you, you are easy to manipulate. Choose the right people and be rewarded with the right attitude
.4. You'll always be you, no matter what you do. Pretending is fine in the short term. But in the end its best to find the person who will think that the sun shines out of your ass and loves you for what you are.
5. 80% of things you do does not matter much. It is 20% that matters. Each day we waste more than 19 hours of time. At most, you'll have 4-5 hours to do something meaningful, important, and useful. Make sure you do it. Every day

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