I hear I see I do

Our Brain can remember everything and interpret them well, more than a computer s. Its working nature seems to be a mystery, i.e., it is tough to forget the thing one wishes to forget, and it is difficult to remember the thing one wishes to remember. Alarms and schedulers can ease one in this condition. Anyhow, for all learners, the brain's cooperation is very much essential. When one gets tensed or is fearful, one can often go blank as if the condition / situation / circumstance had formatted their brain.

"Knowledge is power". To attain that, children are now pressurised to journey with studies and schooling for gaining it. Parents just ride roughshod on their children to reach their aims or goals. Many times many parents make their children tense and nervous about exams. Of course, fear (within limits) is good, since it may draw more attention and care. But they should understand that for good, efficient learning and perfection in presentation, good parenting with encouragement, good teachers, good institution, (of course, good student), etc., are very essential.

March will be a dreaded season or a tension period for children (more for parents too) due to exam fear. Parents will sacrifice TV, outings, tours, sleep, etc., for the sake of their children's studies. In spite of it all, if they find that their children could not cope with the situation and lose their concentration, they will often become frustrated, irritated and worried. Also, parents would often complain that their children are studying well but not scoring well. At this juncture, they need to encourage their children than blaming them and should go for analysis of the cause to rectify / treat it.
One's incompetence and ignorance usually debar them from their activities unless good luck plays a major role. So, taking this issue for business, nowadays lots and lots of products, including health drinks, come into the market, claiming that they can make the brain work to develop IQ (intelligence quotient). Actually speaking, it is difficult to prove the gain of IQ, since it needs not only brain boosters but also one's interest in learning, ability, tendency to concentrate, good teaching, favourable circumstances, etc. Here brain needs more exercises than just a brain booster - Learning and recalling – just like contraction and relaxation of muscles as we do for our physique. Squeezing the brain during childhood is good for one's life in future. Here one needs to remember the old proverb

I hear – I forget

I see – I remember

I do – I understand and will never forget

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