Traveling Alone

Some people shy away from traveling alone, a few embrace it. This article looks at the decided advantages of going it alone.

I realized early on that if I was going to get anywhere I had to go on my own. I know is as passionate about travel as I am. I didn't want to spend my life waiting to go somewhere because I didn't have anyone to go with me.

I have made some trips with friends but there is a special feeling I get when I travel solo - like it's this secret I have. The places I get to see are amazing and I do wish other people could see it but the rush of freedom I get traveling alone is stronger than any desire to share it with someone. I usually end up talking to myself after a few weeks on my own but that's okay. It's a great time to do some soul searching and revel in the freedom of not worrying about anything or anyone else.

First, traveling solo is the ultimate freedom. The itinerary you set and all the decisions you make are your creations without concern or acquiescence to any other person or group. In other words, No compromises, No arguments, No second-guessing!

Traveling alone is a confidence builder as well. I realize the great value of that small journey for a new found confidence was born in me. This always happens with travel by oneself. You learn you can solve problems, get over the blues, and find hidden treasures all by yourself.

Thomas Jefferson once said: "One travels more usefully when alone because he reflects more." It's true: you have abundant time for contemplating, even vegetating, or anything you want. A day long visit to one museum? No problem. A long hike on a trail fraught with danger? Not an issue. You don't have to deal with someone else's mood swings, ---nor they with yours.
The most important factor to consider in your decision to make a trip alone is your own sense of independence. If you find that you have little tolerance for the idiosyncrasies of others you might be happier traveling alone. In this article, I hope I've at least opened the door, shown you the great benefits of leaving everyone behind as you discover the world INSIDE and outside of yourself.


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