Why I Don’t Travel

Many people do not want to travel. They enjoy the comfort of their homes and perhaps inherited the idea of not wanting to venture away from their nest because it meant reliving
Memories of the past, which were undesirable, I have thought of other reasons why people do not want to travel and why people end up staying where they are for years.

There are people who would rather put their money on material needs that would make them live more comfortably and other don’t mind having a simply furnished living room and Putting some money away for the chalet in the country

Many people are just too lazy to think of leaving a place that offers them so much material wealth and comfort.

For fear of being robbed or losing their belongings, do not want to travel alone especially if they lack a companion

People wanting to invest in their local tour trade instead of spending money on hotels out of town, being vegan on a voyage can be difficult.

People with young families have to sacrifice some years of personal comfort to see that their kids are going to enjoy a better lifestyle than they had.

Others do not like the idea of letting go of what they acquired and start over again in a strange place with a different language and customs

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