The Fear of failure…Face it…

Fear is one of the greatest obstacles of life. You get over fear by facing it straight on. Why start the lengthy if you're afraid you are not going to finish? Why start the business if you're afraid it will fail for any reason, be it sickness, lack of business Experience? Shows that if you fear you will fail , you often will. The reward for facing fear is that you get to be fully alive .Get beyond Fear by acknowledging the fear, face it, and even talk to yourself about it. Become familiar with the fear that worries you. Keep in mind that not all fear is bad fear. The fear that keeps you from jumping off of a bridge is a good fear. The fear that drives us to produce excellent work to avoid losing a client can be a healthy fear for a lot of new entrepreneurs. However, you must learn to recognize the difference between fears that are real versus those that are not.


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