More Thoughts... How to Keep Your Job Secure in Recession?

Every time I turn on the news the recession is all I hear about. The US may be in one, or not. But everyone is feeling like we are in a recession and that is all that matters. In the economic chaos prevailing in the world, many employees will lose their jobs. Unfortunately, you could be one of them. Don’t bury your head in the sand and hope all of the potential threats to your job and career disappear. They won’t. Now is the time to take steps to keep your job. You can keep your job, even in a bad economy. But, start soon, not later, to take the steps necessary to keep your job.These tips will help you to keep stand in safer edge

Be proactive, not reactive
Make Your Contributions Measurable and Visible to the Right People
Make Money for the Company: Contribute to Revenue Generation, Sales, Profit
Ask for More Work and More Challenging Assignments
Work on your relationships
Be a Low Maintenance Employee: No Complaining, Whining or Monopolizing
Work Long Hours and Make Sure the Right People Notice
Keep Your Personal and Professional Skills Growing and Developing
Continue to Innovate
Team Build With Coworkers: Cooperate to Achieve Goals and Success for All
Make Sure Your Manager Likes You; Invest Genuine Time, Compliments, Attention
Be the Go-to, Indispensable Person Who Has Needed Organization Knowledge


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