Now, you've got to have a better plan, to get a job in Recession

If you are serious in landing a good job, you need to be dedicated to the task at hand. The news and the idea that no one is really hiring today is not true. You just have to work harder to gain a good job during recession.You must explore new sectors and jobs. This just might be the turning point in your career. Be open in your attitude and try to get any decent job.

Remember, it would any day be better than sitting idle. Do something that interests you or look at pursuing any of your hobbies as a career. It will only add value to your resume and help you market yourself better when the job market opens up. And when you get an interview call, prepare well for it in advance. There would definitely be fierce competition so you have to make sure that you convert an interview call into a job offer.

Narrow Your Focus
Map Your Hunting Ground
Start with a plan to find the right company first and the job second.
Focus on growth industries and specializations.
Consider different business environments.
Compete effectively with consultants.
Your resume is a marketing tool, not a bio.
Bring Your Resume to Your Next Family Gathering and Mix Friends
Try to be perfect and Active:
Be prepared to be flexible. Very flexible.
Plan for the long term.

Work is its own reward: Don't go into your job search expecting to find a job where you're making 20,000-40,000 within the first month, be reasonable. This is a recession! Hardly anyone will be making a salary such as that in today's job field, so don't expect it. Go in with a reasonable mentality and sense of compensation.


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