Become smart IT professionals: time management

1. Organize your work area.
File things where you'll find them, not where you think they belong according to a category. Think "where would I find this?"
2. Commit to a particular allotment of time for each project.
Allowing yourself an hour a day for taking an action on a new project will keep your momentum going without being overwhelming or boring.
3. Do your most difficult work when you are in your peak performance state. If you're an early morning person, do that extra-effort-needed project first thing in the morning. If late evening hours are more your speed, save that high-energy project for that time.
4. Perform less demanding work at the time of day when you are most likely to be in a slump. If mid-afternoon is your body's sluggish time, save your mindless tasks and other less important to-do's for this time. The point is to get what you need done without wasting whatever time you have available to you at any given time.
5. Schedule your phone calls around your peak performance levels. You want to give your customers/clients your very best attention and this requires energy and enthusiasm.
6. Place your phone on voice mail mode at strategic times of the day. Voice mail is wonderful for those times when you're either feeling sluggish, want some quiet time, or just want to get a project done. You can access your messages later and return calls on a priority basis.
7. Let others in your home/office know when you don't want to be disturbed. Constant interruptions are annoying and distracting; they are also time-zappers. Letting people know when it's OK to interrupt and when it's not is crucial to time management.
8. Prioritize your day. Everything's not an earth-shattering emergency! Someone Else's perception of a priority does not mean it is so to you. Discern what needs your attention immediately, what can be delegated, and what can be addressed later
9. Delegate. Everything that needs to be done does not have to be done by you. Delegating to another person can save you a lot of time in mundane tasking. 10. Instead of a to-do list, create a goal for the day. Throw out the to-do list that never gets done, causes you stress and frustration, and makes you feel like a failure. Instead, set yourself a single goal for the day.

Now, you've got to have a better plan, to get a job in Recession

If you are serious in landing a good job, you need to be dedicated to the task at hand. The news and the idea that no one is really hiring today is not true. You just have to work harder to gain a good job during recession.You must explore new sectors and jobs. This just might be the turning point in your career. Be open in your attitude and try to get any decent job.

Remember, it would any day be better than sitting idle. Do something that interests you or look at pursuing any of your hobbies as a career. It will only add value to your resume and help you market yourself better when the job market opens up. And when you get an interview call, prepare well for it in advance. There would definitely be fierce competition so you have to make sure that you convert an interview call into a job offer.

Narrow Your Focus
Map Your Hunting Ground
Start with a plan to find the right company first and the job second.
Focus on growth industries and specializations.
Consider different business environments.
Compete effectively with consultants.
Your resume is a marketing tool, not a bio.
Bring Your Resume to Your Next Family Gathering and Mix Friends
Try to be perfect and Active:
Be prepared to be flexible. Very flexible.
Plan for the long term.

Work is its own reward: Don't go into your job search expecting to find a job where you're making 20,000-40,000 within the first month, be reasonable. This is a recession! Hardly anyone will be making a salary such as that in today's job field, so don't expect it. Go in with a reasonable mentality and sense of compensation.

More Thoughts... How to Keep Your Job Secure in Recession?

Every time I turn on the news the recession is all I hear about. The US may be in one, or not. But everyone is feeling like we are in a recession and that is all that matters. In the economic chaos prevailing in the world, many employees will lose their jobs. Unfortunately, you could be one of them. Don’t bury your head in the sand and hope all of the potential threats to your job and career disappear. They won’t. Now is the time to take steps to keep your job. You can keep your job, even in a bad economy. But, start soon, not later, to take the steps necessary to keep your job.These tips will help you to keep stand in safer edge

Be proactive, not reactive
Make Your Contributions Measurable and Visible to the Right People
Make Money for the Company: Contribute to Revenue Generation, Sales, Profit
Ask for More Work and More Challenging Assignments
Work on your relationships
Be a Low Maintenance Employee: No Complaining, Whining or Monopolizing
Work Long Hours and Make Sure the Right People Notice
Keep Your Personal and Professional Skills Growing and Developing
Continue to Innovate
Team Build With Coworkers: Cooperate to Achieve Goals and Success for All
Make Sure Your Manager Likes You; Invest Genuine Time, Compliments, Attention
Be the Go-to, Indispensable Person Who Has Needed Organization Knowledge

The Fear of failure…Face it…

Fear is one of the greatest obstacles of life. You get over fear by facing it straight on. Why start the lengthy if you're afraid you are not going to finish? Why start the business if you're afraid it will fail for any reason, be it sickness, lack of business Experience? Shows that if you fear you will fail , you often will. The reward for facing fear is that you get to be fully alive .Get beyond Fear by acknowledging the fear, face it, and even talk to yourself about it. Become familiar with the fear that worries you. Keep in mind that not all fear is bad fear. The fear that keeps you from jumping off of a bridge is a good fear. The fear that drives us to produce excellent work to avoid losing a client can be a healthy fear for a lot of new entrepreneurs. However, you must learn to recognize the difference between fears that are real versus those that are not.