Do you had a dream?

Have you had a tough week? For a change, let’s have some fun today! If I really don't want to do something always happens. Some times what I say or think of comes pretty true to a degree; though I haven't won the lottery yet.

You may have noticed all of the new movies coming out for the spring and summer featuring superheroes with extraordinary powers. They all have cool powers and they are all more than human. Growing up watching all these shows about superheroes in many popular fantasy movies, my imagination was fired. SO many 'what if' questions emerged, What if genetic mutations were real? What if I could read minds?

Have you ever had a dream in which you had super powers? Maybe you could fly, or run really fast. Maybe you had a dream where you were super strong, or invincible. If you've ever had a dream like that, then you know that having super powers in dreams is an incredible and exhilarating experience. When you wake up and find out that you no longer have super powers.

If you could have any super power in the world; what would it be? Invisible, eat everything and not gain any weight; sleep ten thousand years; Understanding women, men, now that's a superpower; able to see the future, so I could win the lottery; Get a job. Oh, if you had a job, maybe the flying thing so you could beat the traffic. Choose your super power; there are a lot of cool super powers. Not all super powers are great though.

The great thing about that gift is that is only has to be one time. Once god gives such a gift to everyone and they already have it. What if they were to fight each other? Would the victor have the best power of all? Would the victor be the most powerful being? Obviously they had to give him a weakness and with that weakness anyone can defeat him. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

When I was a kid, I wanted to fly.
When I was a teenager, I wanted to be invisible.
For the last couple of years, I wanted to stop time. (So much work to do)

Finally I decided that I wanted it to be a cool power that people can see. The source of my powers shouldn’t be something that someone can remove like rings because that’s lame. Take the ring off and you’re pretty much dead. I also don’t think that my power should deform me. I still want to function as a somewhat normal member of society.
If I had this power, I would pass the true sight to the people for who they are and why they are the way that they are, a better outlook not clouded by lies, distortion, racism, hate, want make the world a better place for every one to live and choose a brighter path that truly brings heaven to earth.

Some times I feel well; definitely I wouldn't want that power: sometimes knowing too much and too early can hurt our feelings or make life monotonous.

Awake with positive thoughts got to bed with blank mind. What super-power do you want? Please leave a reply, below.


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