Why I Travel Born Vagabond

We're born with our eyes open. We look around, take it in, gather information, and construct a world. Watch a baby's eyes and you can see the innate human hunger for new information, colors, movements, shapes, concepts and constructs. We're born inquisitive. We want to learn.

We travel, initially, to lose ourselves; and we travel, next, to find ourselves. We travel to open our hearts and eyes and learn more about the world than our newspapers will accommodate. It's the ultimate path to new experience, a different perspective, a mental expansion, a physical sensation and a human understanding.

Travel allows us to fully experience life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We may not set out with this intention, but we come back with its results. Get out of my home country and see it from new perspectives. Our culture makes more sense when we see its antecedents. It’s probably a matter of subconscious social survival.

When we journey, we are larger than life. Everything is more intense, less commonplace. Life is vibrant, we are constantly learning. When we travel we become aware of Earth in a way not available to us in our everyday world. Amazing natural phenomena occur each day on this planet of ours. The sun comes up over the sparkling snows of Greenland. It goes down, Things that go on all the time without our knowing them.

It's good for your mind; it opens you up to new experiences. The goal is to keep that openness around as long as you can. Even after 10 hours in the office and 2 hours on the freeway. And as for traveling with friends … I think it is the memories that make the journey more memorable –I would say. Have richer experiences and come home a better person than when you left.

Travel to new places is scary at some level, because you’re out of your element and out of your comfort zone. Brave is to train yourself to face the things you fear. You can train yourself by going ahead and doing the things you’re afraid of, like getting out of your comfort zone.

I travel to lose myself and in the process probably find myself. It gives me perspective about the events shaping our lives. I step away from myself and take a fresh look around. I love learning about how others live. I want to know what’s over the next hill. I want to see what’s new. Don’t show me the money; show me something I haven’t seen already.

What do you remember? The vacations or the times between? - Joe Casey

Constantly I am looking for more opportunities to travel. Travel just makes me happy How about you? Stay tuned more to come...


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