Exam fear can cause a variety of symptoms

Exams and assessment Exams are not always easy going. Exams are conducted to honor our intellect. Here one can aim for topper / achiever / champion to be proud of oneself or to make their parents proud. Good lear
ning, keeping everything in mind, recalling the things when there arises a need, perfection in doing things and seriousness in presentation will lead one always to the top. Perhaps, built in behavior or habit development will always be needed to perform it. One should understand well that success is not easy to be got. You need to strain. The more we learn, the better we can perform without any fear or tension. Unwanted tension can precipitate exam fear.

Causes –
are usually numerous, but the common causes are:
Lack of memory or forgetfulness
Fear of punishments from parents / teachers
Bad past experiences
Improper learning i.e. studying not in depth
Inattentive / distracted mind
Lack of self-confidence / hopelessness / inferiority complex

Health problems

Symptoms – Some would just fear in succeeding / scoring high marks, some other would fear and sweat, and some others would sink and faint in addition. Some others get tremors, nervousness, sometimes they find it difficult to control passing of urine and stool.
Likewise, exam fear can cause a variety of symptoms.

The common symptoms are

Feeling blank or vagueness before exam
Difficulty in concentrating and studying while preparing for exams
Fear to appear for exams
Getting tensed on seeing difficult questions
Difficulty in expressing / presentation even for known answers due to fear or inferiority complex
Confusion and hopelessness
Sweating and racing heart
Dizziness due to sleepless study
Tension and worries
Prevention and management – Learning, keeping it in memory,
recalling when needed, presentation, etc. everything needs skill and habit development.


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