The swine flu prevent from being infected

The swine flu is believed to spread mainly from person to person via airborne germs expelled when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

In the event that this flu virus becomes a pandemic, everyday life may be disrupted because many people in many places might become seriously ill at the same time. Impacts can range from school and business closings to the interruption of basic services such as public transportation and food delivery. There are several very simple things one can do to prevent or minimize your chances of getting the swine flu and the regular flu.

1.Wash your hands often with warm water and antibacterial soap
2.Avoid touching foreign surfaces
3.Avoid touching your face, especially the areas around your eyes, nose and mouth
4.Always cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze and wash your hands immediately after doing so
5.If you are unable to wash your hands regularly, carry an alcohol-based hand wash or hand sanitizer with you and use it regularly
6.Avoid areas or people that may be contaminated
7.If you need to visit a contaminated area or feel you are at high risk for contracting the disease, consider wearing a face mask


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